Thursday, 3 October 2013

I promised you some pics didn't I... Ok some are thread art and some are Ojos.

 Sorry about the strip light, thats a drawing.

 The silver one is heavy duty quilling and theone that looks like postitnotes is made from card

 The two on the right are quilling, the other three are pen drawings

Below are thread art


Hope you liked these. If so please 'like' and/or comment. It's really nice to hear from you.

Thanks for looking.

Monday, 30 September 2013

fiber talk: Hi all, I'm back!!It seems that it's been forever...

fiber talk: Hi all, I'm back!!
It seems that it's been forever...
: Hi all, I'm back!! It seems that it's been forever that I've not updated or even spoken to you. Well that's about to change...
Hi all, I'm back!!
It seems that it's been forever that I've not updated or even spoken to you. Well that's about to change!
Firstly let me thank all those loyal souls for sticking with me, in the hope I might resurface at some point in the future. So a big thanks to them and to anyone else that has visited hoping for inspiration. 
It's just after lunchtime here, on a blustery but dry Autumn day. To good to waste really, as there is so much to do in the garden. 
I've hopefully mowed the grass for the last time this year but as anyone who has trees in their garden or even close by, knows, there are tons more leaves on the ground, than ever were on the trees, I'm sure!!
There are plants to put in the borders, that will over-winter and flower next spring. Old flower stems and shrubs to cut back, bulbs to be planted and a whole lot more. And of course the weeds!!!
This isn't going to turn into a gardening blog but I hope some of you good folk, would be interested in what's going on  garden-wise, over here.
Someone at the door!................
................OK salesman!!
Anyway it's great to be back. I'm selecting some pics of stuff I've been up to, apart from gardening that is. Including, string art, ojo making, drawing, painting, needle- felting, the list goes on! I can gaurantee you will not be bored, when visiting my blog. I absolutely forbid boredom.
We've just had the first really heavy rainstorm, accompanied by strong winds of the Autumn but that probably, won't be the last!!

Monday, 31 December 2012

fiber talk: Well it's been a bit of a crazy old year in many r...

fiber talk: Well it's been a bit of a crazy old year in many r...: Well it's been a bit of a crazy old year in many respects!! Some good, some awfull. but we have to pick ourselves up and get ready to start ...
Well it's been a bit of a crazy old year in many respects!! Some good, some awfull. but we have to pick ourselves up and get ready to start this new year, 2013, with a bang!!
We have to grab opportunities when they arise and go with them for all of our worth.
No excuses, no regrets, just full-on, do our best, 100% effort!
Sounds easy when you say it quick but I intend to take 2013 by the scruff of the neck and squeeze it 'til the pips come out!!!!
So, here's remembering what 2012 had to offer, how good it felt at times and how much pain there was at others but here's to you 2013, with all of that potential, promise and the beckoning finger, we drink to the future of unknowns and dreams.
To all of you who read my blog, I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year.
Please tell me your dreams and how they work out and I'll tell you mine, deal?
Hugs and kisses, Phill

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas

A very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year to all of my friends and contacts.
Lets hope the new year is a productive and fullfilling one for us all, with lots of new ideas and crafts to get our teeth into!!
All the best

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Hello my blog friends. Today I have some very sad news to give you. For those that know about my little dog Jack, today I had the dreadful task of taking him to the vet for his final journey!!
Over the last few days and weeks he had been loosing massive amounts of weight and was not eating a morsal.
Now as a country-born boy, I had heard tales of animals knowing when time was nearing the final curtain and going off into the wilds and just settling down for the maker to collect them, well that's just how it seemed with Jack. No amount of tempting and delicious foods would he allow passed his lips, it was the most difficult thing to watch happening to my friend and companion.
He was a ripe old thirteen and a half , which in 'dog years is 94!!! So you could say he had a good innings and I probably would too if it weren't for the fact he was my dog.
Unbeknown to us he also had 'tumours!' according to the vetenery clinitian. And the diagnostic testing and treatment would be very , very traumatising for him, with the probable outcome being the same as today!
So , with the vets guidance, I took the heartbreaking decision to end his suffering .
There is one giant hole in the house and my life , where once there was a Jack shaped happiness. I am so sad to see you go my friend but I hope and pray you are the happier for your release from the suffering.
Good-bye Jack, I'll miss you.