Happy New Year to everyone and lets hope it gives to each of us, what we wish for:-)
So, the letter came through the door saying when the work on my house would start and once it started, boy oh boy! what a mess!! To say it was like a bomb-site was an understatement, not one room was spared the indignity of having the floorboards ripped up and the walls chased for a complete re-wire!!!.......I was sort of expecting a bit of craziness but not anyway near the amount I got.....I was nearly tearing my hair out.....Oh! that's right, I haven't got any but I was definately one step away from the funny farm.
Adding to the chaos, prior to the letter of intent coming, my daughter had only, the previous week left, after living with me for eight weeks whilst the papework for her new house, was being sorted by the solicitors, for one reason and another.......and every other week while she was staying with, her three daughters were there too!!!!! So as you may be able to imagine, a totally mad and chaotic period, during which time I was unable to do very much by way of crafts of any description, let alone write about them.....so my sincere apologies to my dedicated followers and heartfelt thanks for sticking with me.
I only have the re-decorating left to complete now and there's no great rush for that....spring's on it's way!!
How have you been getting on? I would love for you to write and tell me all about it and of course, what Santa brought for you:-) Tell me about your felting and if you have any problems , just ask.
If you can send pictures of your project, that would be fantastic. I intend loading-up pics of some recent work, as well as step-by-step projects for you to follow along with, this year, so I hope this year will see loads of new felters coming on stream as well as my faithfull ones developing more skills, with my help.
Just a by-the-by, have any of you (UK members) seen or have in your gardens, any out of season flowers yet?? I have Crocuses in bud, Daisies in the lawn and in the next village to mine, there are three Magnolia bushes in BLOOM!!! The garden birds think Spring is here, as they are definately doing the mating thing! I'd be interested to hear from you.
In the next post, I will be giving you some ideas on making rug squares, which can be used as floor coverings, wall- hangings, place mats....the list goes on!
Be good.
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