Hello my blog friends. Today I have some very sad news to give you. For those that know about my little dog Jack, today I had the dreadful task of taking him to the vet for his final journey!!
Over the last few days and weeks he had been loosing massive amounts of weight and was not eating a morsal.
Now as a country-born boy, I had heard tales of animals knowing when time was nearing the final curtain and going off into the wilds and just settling down for the maker to collect them, well that's just how it seemed with Jack. No amount of tempting and delicious foods would he allow passed his lips, it was the most difficult thing to watch happening to my friend and companion.
He was a ripe old thirteen and a half , which in 'dog years is 94!!! So you could say he had a good innings and I probably would too if it weren't for the fact he was my dog.
Unbeknown to us he also had 'tumours!' according to the vetenery clinitian. And the diagnostic testing and treatment would be very , very traumatising for him, with the probable outcome being the same as today!
So , with the vets guidance, I took the heartbreaking decision to end his suffering .
There is one giant hole in the house and my life , where once there was a Jack shaped happiness. I am so sad to see you go my friend but I hope and pray you are the happier for your release from the suffering.
Good-bye Jack, I'll miss you.
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