Saturday, 27 November 2010

Minus 2 and falling

I struggled to get the car de-iced this morning so I could get to the shops, it needed doing badly as there was a thick layer of frozen snow on the windshield, de-icer wouldn't touch it, so I used washer fluid, diluted a bit with warm water, that eventually worked, I was a bit worried about the wipers though, seemed to be dragging ice!!!
The road was bad to get back up, 'cos I live up a slight incline, but just having the engine ticking over and not using the accelerator seemed to be the answer.
The car computer kept telling me the road was if I needed telling!!
 I'll make inroads with the Welsh Red Dragon wall hanging I'm working on today, unsing knitting wool to needle felt over the edges is working well and as the colour is identical, you can't see the change of medium. from fleece fabric to wool!! works for me!

I'll stick a couple of pics up later... if I get time! Where does it go to??

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